Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Showjumping #2

I went to another horse show last weekend. My supervisor gave me most of Friday off so that I could get there early, so of course he told everybody at the clinic that I was competing. This meant that when I came in on Monday they all wanted to know if I was World Champion yet, or if I had at least won first prize in every class.

They were so disappointed when I said no, I hadn't won a prize.

But they don't really understand. I've been to maybe five horse shows since Christmas, and I'm just glad to get out there and compete at all. My sister let me borrow her horse for the C&D Championship, and we finished with 8 faults. Hell, I didn't even fall off or get lost, two things that become all the more likely when you stop practicing. I would have liked to win, of course, but it's not everything ... and it's usually better when you've earned it.

Thanks, little sister, for lending me your strange and wonderful horse (in case you're wondering, he's mostly strange).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm well pleased you're out jumping! tis most important and nice to get away from mediciney things.