Monday, February 28, 2011

Paget von Schroetter

"What's Paget von Schroetter disease?" demands the consultant
"I ... I don't know" I reply
"I'll give you a minute to think about it" he says generously
"I might need more than one minute!" I fret
"Then you have five minutes and Google" he says, "Go!"

Just in case this ever happens to you, you will be able to tell him:
  • Paget von Schroetter disease is a condition characterised by DVT of the subclavian or axillary veins
  • It is rare, occurring mostly in young, healthy patients, males more than females
  • It's caused by exertion around the shoulder girdle (although it can also be spontaneous)
  • This causes vein damage, which leads to scarring, causing stenosis, leaving the section more prone to thrombus formation

I think he knew all this already, because he didn't actually ask me for the answer in the end. But now we all know.

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