Showing posts with label SA Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SA Government. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

Save South Australia

South Australia is in a dire financial situation. That is why the Minister for Health is not-so-reluctantly diverting money from several perfectly viable and much-needed country hospitals to help fund a controversial new tertiary hospital in the city. It's justified, apparently, because overall the Government is spending more on Health than ever before. 

It's also spending more on Plasma TVs for prison inmates than ever before, and more on appearance fees for Lance Armstrong. It's spending up big on private parties at Clipsal 500 and office re-fits for MPs. 

Spending money does not equal doing the right thing by South Australians.

Spending money properly would be a terrific start.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Country Rally

South Australians may have heard about this morning's Country Rally on TV or radio - especially the traffic report. Some might have seen it first-hand as a large group of vehicles entered the city limits during peak hour, all bearing signs displaying obvious disappointment in the Rann Government's handling of ... well, basically everything to do with South Australia. 

The "Save the Keith Hospital" group was especially prominent, clearly upset that Rann can justify spending  (amongst other things) $500,000 on a VIP Clipsal 500 party for MPs, $2million to convince Lance Armstrong to compete in the Tour Down Under, but refuses to back down on cutting $300,000 from Keith Hospital's funding.

Most passers-by were sympathetic to the cause, some even jumping up on the steps of Parliament House to join the group as they paused for photos and interviews. My boyfriend and I were accidentally interviewed - accidentally because we had no intention of being interviewed, and because the newsman thought we were innocent road-users who got stuck between the protest vehicles. Next time I'll put signs on both sides of the car!

The purpose of the rally was to raise awareness of the issues facing country people right now - and there are many. To those whose mornings were spoiled by the delays, think about your friends in the country whose way of life is being genuinely threatened by the current Government. And if you see a group supporting a cause that strikes a chord with you, I'm sure they'd  love you to join their fight - make it yours too!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I really have to apologise for the political posts that have been occasionally cropping up here. I'm sure you don't come here to read about the failings of the South Australian Government or Minister for Health. You probably get enough of that from television, radio, newspapers, your friends ... actually, you probably see enough of their failures for yourself on any given day.

I don't like reading about politics. I don't like to get angry when thinking/hearing/talking about politics. I don't like caring about politics. But at the moment I do care, and this bothers me greatly. I want to say, "Premier Who? Health Minister Who? Never heard of them. Now let's stop talking politics, it bores me".

When people like me start thinking, caring, complaining or talking about politics, there is something very wrong.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Save Keith Hospital

The SA Government has decided against all advice to withdraw half the state funding for Keith Hospital. When told that the hospital would be forced to close without this funding, the Government representative replied "I don't care".

He doesn't care if a country town loses its hospital. He doesn't care that this jeapordises the lives of the people in the area and the thousands who travel the dangerous highways around Keith every week.

How is the Minister for Health possibly doing his job, when he is purposefully putting South Australians' lives in danger? When he is purposefully removing health services from what is, at present, a thriving and productive country town? Closing down hospitals is not in the best interest of the public, the economy, the state's health ... or the Government.

Keep our country hospitals alive.

Photo from - thanks to Hattam McCarthy Reeves for supporting the cause.